
Blog Manners Matter

Hi fab readers. I was reading my Glamour mag last night and came across an article I wanted to share. Since we've entered this crazy world of blogging we've had some great experiences meeting all different kinds of cool people. We've also been surprised at the level of harsh words that can come through when you have the animosity of a computer between two people. For us and all the other wonderful people out there who take the time to create blogs with their ideas for readers, take a look at this article. 3 Cheers to Glamour for including it! Here is a snippet and the full article here.

The Internet is an emboldening, alternate reality—but it’s still reality. We need to apply our general rules of morality and civility to our interactions on the Web. I’m not advocating a pinky-in-the-air level of politeness, but Web users should stand behind what they say. I suggest this test: If you wouldn’t speak something to someone’s face, or sign your name to an angry rant, then don’t post it online. No more hiding behind the keyboard.
I never thought I’d say this, but the unmitigated and unintelligent nastiness has to end—on MySpace, over e-mail, on blogs and everywhere else. As soon as we realize that there’s a very real person on the other side of that LCD glow, maybe we can all start acting a little more human.


Cat K said...

What I didn't like about that article is that it seemed to imply that it's okay to say awful things about celebrities, but not about bloggers - with the justification that bloggers are real people behind the screen... the implication is what? that celebrities are robots without feelings?

SocialDesign said...

Hey Catherine. I agree with you definitely. However the one difference is celebrities make millions of dollars. But I do think this idea can be applied to the celebrity world too!


Hmmm. I haven't experienced any of the negativity yet, but I'm relatively new to the blog world. I hope that I never do. It really is amazing to think that civility can be thrown out the window when people sit behind the screen of a computer.